Colorcast can read Magic Lantern RAW video files and uses its internal RAW engine to develop HDR images in Rec. 2020. Details Photography, Graphics & Design > Size: 38MB Color, Saturation, and Brightness controls under the color wheels can be reset individually within the Master, Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights controls Ability to share video to multiple YouTube accounts VR headset drop frame warning preferences are honored with a VR headset connected
Improves font quality of DVD menu and chapter titles Camera LUT is applied correctly to de-interlaced media Sharpening & Denoising Support for NFS-based libraries and media Correctly marks in and out points for spanned clips imported using the Sony Camera Import Plug-in PDZK-LT2 Free Anamorphic After Effects Plugin Other new features Improves stability when skimming over or importing a corrupted MXF (MPEG-4) file